Hi! Welcome to Mentoring Program🤝🏽

Mentors are our Skoltech graduates. They are enthusiasts who are ready to share their experience with you and help young specialists with career planning.

Here are your steps:

🔸 Step 1: Look through the mentor’s list below (use filters by program or career track)

🔸 Step 2: Choose 2-3 mentors you would like to have meetings with

🔸 Step 3: Fill the form and mark 2-3 mentors mentors ranking them by preferences

🔸 Step 4: You’ll be given your mentor’s contact

🔸 Step 5: Reach out your mentor and set up an appointment

🔸 Step 6: Get useful advice

🔸 Step 7: Share feedback

<aside> ‼️ Check if there are any vacant places for the particular mentor, some of them are already busy with another students now.


<aside> 💡 You can filter mentors by track or Skoltech program.


<aside> 👇🏼 Check possible activities with your mentor and the timeline of the program below the list of mentors.



<aside> 👉🏼 *Fill the form and mark 2-3 mentors mentors ranking them by preferences*


<aside> 🚨 Write **here* if you didn’t find your mentor*


Possible activities with your mentor⚡️

<aside> 💡 Write here if you experience problems with reaching out your mentor


Mentoring Program Timeline 📆